Is it the Music? Opinions on Hip Hop' s Influence

Recently, I came across some information that I would like to share with you. Older people have their disagreements with the effects of music in every generation, the current generation is no exception. Please read the comments about what "the music" both advocates and produces nowadays. Let me know if you agree or disagree.
According to the information I obtained, HIP HOP is implicated in producing:
"Youth with no fear. Youth with no purpose. Youth with no respect for authority. Youth with no parental guidance. Youth with no regards for their bodies, appearance, self-respect or futures. Hip Hop drives every aspect of our youths lives in most cases. They live it, breathe it, wear it and die for it. Hip-hop has done what no other [tool] has been able to do at this level. It has influenced all races, all ages, and all low-income areas in America. You can easily tell when youth are into gangsta rap [and/or] explicit lyrical content. They show it in the behavior and the choices they make in life."
HIP HOP produces some of the following clothing trends:
"Sagging jeans, tight fitted tops and bottoms [for females, hopefully!], gang related outfits, prison attire. These are the clothes that hip hop influences our teens to wear freely. What was once considered appropriate only for prostitutes and hardened criminals is now acceptable attire for our youth!"
HIP HOP even affects the mentality in the following ways:
"Hip-hop causes youth to be rebellious, use foul language in public, commit very strong sexual acts with other youth, to feel they have nothing to lose, to give up on their “good” values and take on the negativity of the hip hop culture."
Finally, HIP HOP states either directly or indirectly that:
"Prison is a good place. To be arrested and beat the rap makes you a hero. Teen pregnancy is accepted as the norm. Sex is good. Getting a venereal disease (STD) is not even frowned upon. Having multiple partners okay. Homosexuality and Bi Sexuality is normal and accepted. Foul language and physical abuse is accepted. Bad grades in school are okay. Using drugs and drinking is accepted. Murder is a good thing, if you deserve it. Love is just a word.m. Being a thug is cool. Looking like you just robbed a bank is the norm. The white man is not fair and holds the black man down. Church, the bible, preachers, etc. are not needed. XXX behavior is accepted and preached lyrically in the music. Anything goes, as long as you are feeling it."
I know that I will get some pretty intense responses to this one. Please let me know what you think. You may also debate on some of the statements and if you want me to respond just let me know.