
Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Marijuana: A Threat to Teen Academic Success

A recent ad from the Office of National Drug Control Policy got my attention as it read, "MARIJUANA COULD THREATEN YOUR TEEN'S SUCCESS." Upon reading the brief, one-page ad it was interesting to find the amount of credible research that has been conducted on the effects of marijuana on teenagers. For instance, did you know that heavy marijuana use impairs young people's ability to concentrate and retain information? Of course you did. How about marijuana use being linked to poorer grades? The ad states that a teen with a "D" average is 4 times more likely to have used marijuana than a teen with an "A" average. Still not convinced? Let's talk about dropout rates. Odds of dropping out are more than twice that of a non-user.
The problem is that marijuana is the most widely used illicit drug among youth today and is more potent than ever. Kids are experimenting at younger ages. And don't be fooled by popular beliefs. Kids can get hooked on marijuana. Research shows that marijuana use can lead to addiction. Each year, more kids enter treatment with a primary diagnosis of marijuana dependence than for all other illicit drugs combined. Give your view on this topic. From what you know is the information true or is it just another ploy to stop you from "having fun" and "experiencing life?" Reply seriously. For more information on marijuana and potential health effects go to the and research about it some more.


Blogger Grant said...

Hel-l-l-o-o! Welcome to our planet. How long have you been away? I'd guess at least 50 years?? But never mind my astonishment at your recent discovery--as a teacher, if you're in contact with kids, please DO share your epiphany with them. A didactic suggestion: Instead of "telling" them the dangers of drugs to their well-being (they won't believe you), why not take them on a field trip to a skid row in the nearest large city near you, or to a mental ward, and let your kids interview them personally--with questions like, "Did you start with marajuana?" Etcetera.

11:05 AM  

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