Words are Loaded Pistols pt. 2

N.C. State has issued a statement saying that it is distancing itself from comments made by an occasional instructor. Kamau Kambon, an author, taught in N.C. State's Africana Studies program as recently as last spring. In an October 14th conference at Howard University in Washington D.C. that C-Span televised nationally. The conference was to discuss the media coverage of racial issues after Hurricane Katrina. Kambon explained his background and rearing in Brooklyn, NY and his questioning of the oppression endured by Blacks. He later concludes that the reason for such oppression is the "systematic oppression by a society designed and run by Whites."
So just what is this statement that Kamau Kambon made. It is as follows:
" We have to exterminate white people off the face of teh planet to solve this problem...," and he also states, "So we just have to just set up our own system and stop playing and get very serious and not be diverted from coming up with a solution to the problem, and the problem on the planet is white people."
Compare this to the statements made by William Bennett in a previous post (Words are Loaded Pistols). Also, where do you think attitudes such as these come from?
I think that this man gets his idea of racial splurs from his family, and bitterness from other prblems in his life. I don't think thst we want to get white people off this planet; its just that how they treated us in the past and were angry because of that.like you said"WORDS ARE LOADED PISTOLS."
The statment made by Mr.Kambon is just as racest as the statment made by Mr. Bennett. Both of them are filled with hatred of each others race. They both would rather kill each other because of there different skin color then live togehter in peace. these attitudes came from pass experences from both people. they are still stuck in the mind frame of whites and blacks raceism war that has ended, but still needs to be resolved.
yiI feel as if what he is saying is redundant because for years we as black people have been using the past situations we were put in as an excuse to act the way or do the things we do.To me i feel as if when we were given the chance to show "them",that we were more than just some illiterate cotton-picking "colored" people they could use to better themselves, as a whole we failed dont get me wrong alot of black people did come up but for majority we just sat around and complained instead of using the opportunity at hand to better ourselves. I think that before we try to blame them for not helping us we should ask ourselves what did we do to help ourselves?
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