Whatever happened to peace on earth and goodwill towards men?

Christmas is supposed to be a time of peace on earth and goodwill toward men. However, the focus of Christmas in modern times is one of commerce, presents, and the perpetual propagation of politically correct rhetoric and lowered standards. Case in point on Black Friday, the well-known day after Thanksgiving when stores go from being in the “red” to “black”, was met with fighting, long lines, and continued emphasis on what to get whom for Christmas. Recently, a city in the Triad area of NC reported a “grinch” stealing Christmas decorations. A church in Fayetteville, NC had a manger scene burglarized for their baby Jesus figurine. A Seattle airport had to take down all of their Christmas trees due to complaints and threats of a lawsuit. And the list goes on and on.
Have we lost the true meaning and purpose of the Christmas holiday?
Why are grown men and women fighting over toys, electronics, and various other gifts for children that are oftentimes ungrateful?
Who is to blame for the overemphasis on materialism at Christmas time?
What is the true meaning of Christmas anyway?
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