Too many dropouts!!!

The 2004-05 dropout statistics for NC disclosed that a majority of dropouts from HS did so during the 9th grade. Of this percentage (33.7% of the overall total), 60% were due to attendance. Dropouts are a societal issue costing a loss of 1.6% of America’s Gross Domestic Product (How much the US makes as a country). If all single mother’s on welfare simply had a HS education more than 125,000 would not need welfare. Dropouts are also affected healthwise as well. An 18 year-old dropout generally has the same level of health as an educated individual 20 years older than they are (38 yrs old!). Statistics have also found that a HS dropout makes $200,000 less in their lifetimes than their peers that graduate from HS. Of course this value increases for 2 year, 4 year, and graduate degrees.
•Many schools have horrendous attendance. What could be implemented to solve the problem?
•What would make the statistics about dropping out and attendance hit home for those that skip classes?
•Do you think that make-ups for unexcused absencs, No Child Left Behind, and high stakes testing sometimes contribute to the lazy attitude of students towards being in class?
•In Bermuda, students that do not come to class cause parents to incur fines of $200 or more. Do you think fines and/or jail time for student truancy would help curb this problem.
•What would you say to encourage a teen who was considering dropping out of school?
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