Is it the Music? Opinions on Hip Hop' s Influence

Recently, I came across some information that I would like to share with you. Older people have their disagreements with the effects of music in every generation, the current generation is no exception. Please read the comments about what "the music" both advocates and produces nowadays. Let me know if you agree or disagree.
According to the information I obtained, HIP HOP is implicated in producing:
"Youth with no fear. Youth with no purpose. Youth with no respect for authority. Youth with no parental guidance. Youth with no regards for their bodies, appearance, self-respect or futures. Hip Hop drives every aspect of our youths lives in most cases. They live it, breathe it, wear it and die for it. Hip-hop has done what no other [tool] has been able to do at this level. It has influenced all races, all ages, and all low-income areas in America. You can easily tell when youth are into gangsta rap [and/or] explicit lyrical content. They show it in the behavior and the choices they make in life."
HIP HOP produces some of the following clothing trends:
"Sagging jeans, tight fitted tops and bottoms [for females, hopefully!], gang related outfits, prison attire. These are the clothes that hip hop influences our teens to wear freely. What was once considered appropriate only for prostitutes and hardened criminals is now acceptable attire for our youth!"
HIP HOP even affects the mentality in the following ways:
"Hip-hop causes youth to be rebellious, use foul language in public, commit very strong sexual acts with other youth, to feel they have nothing to lose, to give up on their “good” values and take on the negativity of the hip hop culture."
Finally, HIP HOP states either directly or indirectly that:
"Prison is a good place. To be arrested and beat the rap makes you a hero. Teen pregnancy is accepted as the norm. Sex is good. Getting a venereal disease (STD) is not even frowned upon. Having multiple partners okay. Homosexuality and Bi Sexuality is normal and accepted. Foul language and physical abuse is accepted. Bad grades in school are okay. Using drugs and drinking is accepted. Murder is a good thing, if you deserve it. Love is just a word.m. Being a thug is cool. Looking like you just robbed a bank is the norm. The white man is not fair and holds the black man down. Church, the bible, preachers, etc. are not needed. XXX behavior is accepted and preached lyrically in the music. Anything goes, as long as you are feeling it."
I know that I will get some pretty intense responses to this one. Please let me know what you think. You may also debate on some of the statements and if you want me to respond just let me know.
I think hip hop is what you make of it just cause of what you where shouldnt be judged without getting to know your personallity
I agree with this blog as far as our generation living, breathing, wearing, and dying for Hip-Hop. But just like every other generation before us, Hip-Hop is a part of our "culture". Older generations have felt just as strongly about the music that they listened to and still are listening to. They can say what they want because of thier freedom of speech, but as they can see, they aren't going to change the way we feel about Hip-Hop.
Remember the quotes were stating that hip-hop influences, it doesn't make you do anything, the decision is still at the discretion of the individual along with the ease and convenience of whatever act is committed. for all of those that say that this influence is not the case and even take offense, my reply to you is how do you explain teens in Dudley that cannot seem to "learn" a thing while in school, but can quote, analyze, annotate, and live out the lyrics expressed in this genre of music? I know you take offense, but explain yourself. You can't just say that this music is not an influence when the facts are plain to see. Many of the ideas that teens have where are they coming from. Are parents saying that promiscuity is okay? What about violence and drug proliferation and use? These ideas come from some where. Hip-hop isn't totally to blame, but it is an influence, like or not.
Hip-Hop is pretty much the black community’s culture. Not necessarily all blacks but most. Many can relate to hip-hop, not because of the messages implied through the song but because the story being told.
Hip-hop is just a way for some to express their feelings through what they like best-music!
I would have to say that I agree with some of the info, however; I do disagree with a lot of it.
Love is just a word. Love isn’t just a word, and some hip-hop songs do state that. Another thing I disagree with Teen pregnancy is accepted as the norm. In Tupac Shakur’s, Brenda Got A Baby, pregnancy was looked down on.
"Sagging jeans, tight fitted tops and bottoms [for females, hopefully!], gang related outfits, prison attire. These are the clothes that hip hop influences our teens to wear freely. Fashion trends aren’t set do to hiop-hop influentuality. Trends are set to express your personality. Yes, some people do choose to go by what they see, but not all.
I do agree when it says that hip-hop implies Being a thug is cool. Many people are walking around here trying to be like 5o Cent, Eminem, and even DMX. They potray themselves as “bone thugs” and influence others (especailly young males).
I understand that these are your opinions but I feel that some of your statements are bold. Anything goes, as long as you are feeling it. People can feel both good and bad things. I could be feeling that this is the way things and it’s good.
By you saying that makes me feel that you’re saying all people think bad and they think that is what should go. Bad things! Which is not the case.
I hope you accept my opinions the same way I accepted yours. You can choose to agree or disagree, everyone has a freedom of speech.
I definitely feel that love is not just a word, and guys will tell you that they love you and tell you what you want to hear and then they think you’ll give it up to them. As far as the way people dress, I don’t think that it is rap music that necessarily influences that. I think that the way most people dress nowadays is just the accepted style of this era just like a fro for both men and women was accepted back then. Also, teen pregnancy is not actually accepted as normal. Tupac was one of the biggest hip hop icons who represented the life of a gangster and a thug and his music he spoke about the negativities of teen pregnancy, it’s not attractive. Bisexuality and homosexuality are not normal in my opinion. Most dudes that I know think that it is sexy and find it a turn-on for two women to be together and be attracted to each other, I can’t figure out why. And, I think that it is apparent that racism still stands in America. Whites definitely do get by with more than the average Black does, and it really isn’t fair. Whites do not accept and/or approve of all the things that we do because it is not what they are and what they feel we should be. I am proud of what I am and what I represent, I have no shame, being that it is influenced by the hip hop culture or not. So I do agree with some of your views, but likewise, I also disagree with some.
i think that society is looking for somebody to blame for the way the youth is so they look at something that all youth or the majority of the youth have in common,hip-hop, and try to use it as an excuse for their behaivor but in actuality they need to look at the parents and how kids are raised these days.
Hip Hop is not entirely a race issue. The statement said that all races are affected by the culture of Hip Hop. Some 80 plus percent of White youth purchase and as it would appear listen to this genre of music. It is sad that black culture can readily identify with the problems disclosed in the statement, but it is, if you look at all that is stated, not a simple issue of black and white.
So, I think that this is one of the best blog I have read by far. It really is preaching the truth to others that are into the Hip/Hop influence, Especially for the younger generation of today society. But, even though I too listen to Hip/Hop, I don't fully agree with what you have written. Not everyone is influenced by Hip/Hop, I guess it just depends what you status is and you trying to prove a point, whatever it is I still think it's just music.
I don't fully agree with the comments that were made in this passage. I think that not all people are influenced by hip hop in these such ways as mentioned. I believe that people in general do what they want depending on who we are. I think the older more mature generation is less influenced if influenced at all because we know better, and most of us are trying to get out of where we are and move up and keeping traits like these or attitudes like this will hold us down. The younger generation does not quite understand everything about life because I dont believe parents care about their children as much as they used to. Children are out in the streets when they dont need to be instead of in the house doing homework. This leaves a lot of spare time doing whatever everyone else classifies as "cool". Hopefully there will be more people to understand that you can't base your life off of Hip Hop. I personally just like to listen to it because of the way it sounds not for words of wisdom because there won't be too much to find.
I think Hip Hop kind of has a bad infleunce especially how the people dress in the videos.
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