Why did they have to bomb Smurf Village?

In a recent ad campaign, UNICEF, shows the cartoon, the Smurfs, as the victims of a bombing. Smurfette is left for dead, Baby Smurf is left crying and orphaned and the childhood scenario of Smurf Village is in shambles as fire and destruction plague this once serene setting of childhood bliss. The reason forusing the creations of Belgian artist Peyo? UNICEF says that it wants to shock a complacent public into backing its fund-raising efforts for ex-child soldiers in Africa. However, was this the best method of generating such support? In defense of UNICEF they did say that they waited until 9 p.m. to air the ads, when children are less likely to be exposed to the destruction of one of their favorite cartoons. Let me know your feelings about the tactics of UNICEF to generate support. Is this acceptable or not? And what could they have done instead?
I really dont know how to comment on this article. I cant say if i like it or not. Or if it is acceptable or anything like that. I thought it was a fairly comical comparison. :-)
It seems that the ad creators were under the assumption that the targeted audience had a knowledge of the smurfs and want to us them to bring attention to the plight of the child soldiers in the many African conflicts. To one group of people it was an ad they could relate to, others had no clue. In any communication, meaning must be transferred to have affect.
Thats a radical step even if the messeage is soposed to be pure. Any way they should not destroy childhood memories just to bring across a point. It was shocking I will give them that but that was cruel to ruin a timeless clasic. How can any one with a sound mind do such a thing is crazy . I just can not belive it its just to unspeakable for any more words
i think that the reason people get fat is because they eat and do not excrise the fat that enter there body.I think That is why we have so maney fat people unless the have some kinda of fat disorder.Another reason i thik that people get fat is because they eat too much fat food, like wnedy's and church chickenm which is very grease.
I think They bombed surf village because they were mad at the smurfs.
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