
Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Are Our Public Schools Becoming Resegregated?

A recent article in the Greensboro News and Record was forwarded to me via email. The article stated that since the 1980's, the South is slowly resegregating its schools. The article goes on to address that it will take a community commitment to change such a trend. This led to another issue that I was introduced to some time ago. Have the current generations lost the fire of the civil rights era? In class many times I address the use of the word n***** when referring to classmates of the same race as you (i.e., Black). But, do we really take for granted that people worked hard to give us the privileges we have today? In reality, resegregating would be a first step backward. In conversation with several teachers across the county and state it is clearly evident that diversity is a key to educational progress. Problems with segregation include everything from lack of financial resources to lacking social practice. All this being said, I would like to know the following. Do you feel current generations are grateful for the sacrifices of past generations in making equal conditions in school and society as a whole? Have current generations forgotten the legacies of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Malcolm X, Thurgood Marshall, and other prominent Civil Rights activists? What could you be doing personally to show appreciation for the contributions of past generations towards your future success?


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