Perception is Reality

So long as men like [this one] continue to send their young to die, that prediction may well come true.
Who might have made this statement?
Why do you think this is the case?
Does fighting your enemies last a long time?
Who are your enemies?
I think that waht this man said is kind of true because some are just felling on the lies that the govertment said. The army said only the good stuff that can happen if you join the army. Many kids just want to join the army for all the goods stuff they promise. But the army doesn't tell you what are the bad things like you can return back with out an arm, a leg, or just you may not come back. I think that war does last long time because the enemys don't want to surrender that easy.
I think that who ever made this statement was over exagerating.
I think that Freddick Douglas made this quote.The case is that there are alot of people going to war and not coming back.Fighting your enemies last as long as doing homework(1 hr or 2).President Bush and whatever else you are fighting for.
I think this statment was made by the president.I don't think that we shold prepare or next generation for battle, that's like preparing our future to die. i don't believe in sending people into war when it can be solved with different tactics. Fighting your enemies shoulden't take a long time, it should be swift and and thought out to win or you will face loses. Who are MY enemies?
My enemies are those trying to harm my loved ones, and those trying to snake me for my money!!!
i think that whoever said this has a valid point,as long as we continue to fight and battle today we are just setting our future generations for more battles and death.
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