Execution Set for Gang Co-Founder

Stanley "Tookie" Williams is best known for his involvement in co-founding the Crips, a gang originating in Los Angeles California. Upon his sentence to death row he has tried arduously to remove this stigma from his record. Currently, Mr. Williams is at work producing children's books about the subject of gang involvement. He seeks to educate the youth of America and the world so that they do not follow in the footsteps he has created for them and of which many of them have been imprisoned, murdered and maimed for life all in the name of gang affiliation. He has been nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize and has received awards for his children's literature and political activism. With all of his commendations and work he is not being bestowed the most prestigious of awards afforded to an individual, life. October 24, 2005, a California judge signed a death warrant for December 13, 2005. This execution can only be detered by an issue of clemency from Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger.
Mr. Williams, 53, was sentenced to death in 1981 for fatally shooting a Whittier convenience store worker in 1979. He was also convicted of killing two Los Angeles motel owners and their daughter during a robbery the same year. He and a high school friend started the Crips in Los Angeles in 1971. My question to you is should he be granted clemency by the governor? Also, describe the impact that gangs have on your community? Is this impact positive or negative? What can be done if this impact is negative? Try to think about true measures that can be implemented to make a real change.
I believe that Standly williams should be granted clemency by the governor because over the decades he has been imprisoned he has shown that he has changed the direction of his life.He made books for the soul purpose of stoping children from following his regreted pass. Gang vilonce has impacted our community in the most negitive way possible, but one mans mistake can't influence another to kill, That decission is made by who you are and what you believe. To stop this negitive gang vilonce what needs to be done has already been done by Standly Williams. A gang member will only listen to a person who has been thought the same experiance as thereselves, therefor Mr. williams has made childrens books and meetings to solve the vilonce of the gangs. Althought gang vilonce still exsist the # of deaths have decreaced. God gives every man a seconed chance Mr. William's should be given one as well.
I think that he does not deserve to die because i feel like what he did when he was younger was a misket and he did not have anyone to tell him if it was right or wrong.I thik that he was defending his self, or may be he just wanted some thing he never had, and that is a family and some one that is there for him.
I dont think that he should be sentenced to death because he has turned his life around and he is trying to help guide the youth of today not to follow in his footsteps but i dont think that he shuld be granted early releasement because he did comitt a crime and he should have to deal with the consequences at hand. Gangs have a negative impact on my neighborhood and in many of my friends too. I think that this problem has grown so far out of hand that its gonna take alot to fix it starting with seperating rival gangs and then working with them one by one and then you will get to the root of the problem.
I he shouldnt receive the death penalty cause hes learned from his actions
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