
Friday, October 14, 2005

Is Science Education Equitable (Fair) for Both Girls and Guys?

Why are there so few women in science? This is a question recently posed to me in a graduate course I am currently taking. Apparently, this problem begins with the expectations in the home and later at school. I would like for you to read these two views from a private school in Rowan County, then answer the four (4) questions at the end of this post.

I think girls in science are too detail oriented. They aren't willing to take risks and venture into uncharted territory. In the classroom I think teachers of the opposite sex of the student answer a little less carefully and exactly. To students of the same sex, however, answers are more thought out.
- Ricky, 12th Grade

I think that most of the time the females are more diligent and neater in their work. I also think that females are somewhat looked down upon in the science field. The traditional thought, I think, is for males to be the ones that are scientists. For example, if someone was an environmental scientist there would be a lot of outdoor work or physical labor and some people think that females should not do this type of work. I also think that some of the males think they are better than the females and think they know more and therefore will not give females a chance. But when there are female teachers, then things are more fair to everyone, male or female.
-Heather, 12th Grade

Do you agree or disagree with the statements?
Are females being properly prepared for professions in science if they so choose them?
What have you seen, as far as treatment is concerned, from teachers when they are dealing with students of the same gender? What about their treatment of students of the opposite gender? And finally is there any bias or prejudices about females in science that you have seen?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with both students on this subject. I also think that females, in general, are looked down upon when it comes to the science. Men, in my opinion, think women are inferior to them in many things.

-Jessica Blackwell

11:19 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i think that the boys are sexist and i think we don't show up in science because it not really a challenege for use i guess i really don't know why

11:27 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No I don't agree with the statements. Females may not want to take science class because of some of the hands on activities. When people think of science they think of cutting open a frog or worm to see there digestive system. No offence, but most females wouldn't want to get frog guts on there stalettos because of sitting in a science class. I don't think it is a gender discrimanation it is more of what the female/male is intrested in. I myself haven't seen any predjices actions from a diffrent gender teacher to any male or female.

11:31 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think that both girls and boys are talent in science because they both know diffrent things in science and both male and female are smart in ther on specail way.

11:33 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I believe that the Grils who are trained in science feilds are not treated with the same respect that the man are treated with. But on the other hand grils are good studenters and are not gaven the changes to have more oppertunity to get the jobs that the man are geting so there not respect.

11:33 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think science education is equitable for both sexes because both sexes should know science education before they graduate from college it would'nt be fair to discriminate one sex and just have that person taking science education.Both sexes should take science if they want to graduate from High school and be a sucessful person

11:40 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with some points of the staements. Like: when ricky said"I think girls are to detail oriented." I too belive that girls are to muche with the details and arn't willing to risk and adventure. If the person is certified then that person should be a sciencetist man or lady. In my science class in Virginia the guys and girls got along fine and when we had a lday sub for the teacher nothing changed. As far as I know thre hasn't been any bias twords students ecept in Mrs. Kensy fourth block clas; we were required to play a game where most the higher grade students that were girls mostly part of the other team and most of the guys on the other. As the game went on most of the answers wer coming from my team with me leading the scoring. Mrs. Kensey is a biology teacher

12:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I for one don't think females are treated differently. Males and females are teached the same way its just that some females don't want to try in science class cause they think its stupid or nasty cause the stuff you have to do. Like cut open frogs and other things so you can not blame it on the teachers.

1:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

well i think that female science teacher is more consist with the work she do.Male teachers are not as hard on the kids as female teacher because male teacher let you get away whith more then what female teacher let you get a away with.i also think that male teacher understand more about how it is these days but all male are not that understanding. but sometimes teacher can have a certain appeal on her students.

1:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes I do agree with the statments. I think females would be good scientist in this world. Don't get me wrong but most women are smarter than men in some areas of the classroom.

3:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This article is true. There are alot fewer women scientist than there are men. As for why I'm not really sure but I thnk it is because girls aren'y as interested in that type of stuff. That's just the way it is.

3:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think that some male teachers have tendencies to let other students(FEMALES!!) do other things than they let males.

3:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with their statements.I think most of the time females aren't prepared because some people don't expect them to go into that field.I think that male teachers don't look down on other male; they teach them related issues. But, for the females they think we don't have what it takes to be scientists.

3:24 PM  

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