Who is to Blame?

President Bush? Mayor Nagin? Governor Blanco? FEMA? The Brown Guy? In the finger pointing aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, everyone seems to be blaming someone else for the poor response to the catastrophe. On Tuesday, September, 27, 2005, ex-FEMA director, Michael Brown, was interrogated on his response or lack thereof in the wake of Hurricane Katrina by a congressional committee. Brown used the occasion to blame local officials. However, the former director was still implicated for his poor performance in the midst of such a horrendous tragedy. What do you think? Is Michael Brown's claims that the victims (i.e., the residents of Louisiana governor of Lousiana and mayor of New Orleans) are to bear some of the responsibility for the deaths and destruction that occurred? Is Michael Brown largely responsible for his lack of dexterity in his Presidentially appointed position? Or is President Bush largely responsible? Since he did admit that the federal government failed the people of Louisiana during this disaster. As you respond, think about all parties involved: the residents of Louisiana, Governor Kathleen Blanco, Mayor Ray Nagin, Michael Brown of FEMA, and President Bush and then give sound arguments as to who is responsible for the majority of what occurred in New Orleans.