Coretha's Punishment

Tasha Henderson, an Edmond, OK mother of a 14 year-old, had enough of her daughter Coretha's poor grades, chronic lateness to class, and latent disrespect to teachers. So, she took action. On November 4, 2005, she made her recalcitrant daughter stand at a busy Oklahoma City intersection holding a sign which read, "I don't do my homework and I act up in school, so my parents are preparing me for my future. Will work for food." The result? A drastic improvement in her daughter's behavior and conduct in school. However, Ms. Henderson has received an array of comments from talk radio and letters ranging from praise to reprimand. One psychologist said that the parents, "...need more education than she [Coretha] does," and that in making their daughter stand on the corner with a sign was to, "...kill their daughter psychologically." A proponent of the Henderson's actions said, "I don't see anything wrong with it. I see the other extreme where parents don't care wha the kids do, and at least she wants to help her kid." Yet, another person opposed to the parents tactics called the police reporting psychological abuse. In response, the mother and daughter (the mother stood with her the whole time) were asked to leave after an hour with no report being filed. A spokesman from the police department said, " There wasn't any criminal act involved that the officer could see...[requiring] criminal investigation."
As always, I want to know what you think about this. Tell me why you think this tactic worked. Next, tell me if you agree or disagree with the parent's method of discipline. Last, tell me what type of discipline will need to be implemented here at Dudley in order to insure a "change" in students that are opposed to doing the right thing.
I don't think a mother should have her 14-year daughter stand out there with a sign in her front of her hand just because she didnt do what she supposed to do.She should punish her the old fashion way not have her holding a sign
I think that its a good thing because some parents don't paticipate in their child's life.But she shouldn't have punished her like that ,I thinkt she should have handled that at home.
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